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2020年上海市英语中考试题ll. Choose the best answer26. Which of the following words is pronounced /spi:t?/?A. speechB. spaceC. speedD. spend解析:“元+辅+不发音的e”结构中,元音一般发字母音,所以排除B;字母d不发/ t? /音,故选A。27. Kellys cheese cakes were sold out within half ____ hour at the night market.A. aB. anC. theD. /句意:夜市上Kelly的芝士蛋糕半小时内就卖光了。解析:hour是以元音音素开头的可数名词,half an hour意为“半小时”,故选B。28. Mr. Smith always encourages his students to be active ____ class.A. inB. byC. withD. from句意:Smith先生总是鼓励他的学生在课堂上要活跃。解析:in class意为“在课堂上”,故选A。29. The ancient town has been open to visitors ____ about ten years.A. byB. forC. onD. though句意:这个古镇已经向游客开放了大约十年了。

解析:“for+时间段”表示动作持续一段时间,常与现在完成时连用,故选B。30. ____ friend Claude from France is keen on Chinese culture.A. IB. MeC. MyD. Mine句意:我的法国朋友Claude对中国文化很感兴趣。解析:名词friend前用形容词性物主代词修饰,My friend意为“我的朋友”,故选C。31. There ____ more than two ways to solve this maths problem.A. amB. isC. areD. be句意:有两种以上的方法解这道数学题。解析:结合选项可知,此句是一般现在时的there be句型,主语是复数,所以be动词用are,故选C。32. Randy wrote two novels. ____ of them were made into films. Ive seen them.A. NoneB. BothC. AllD. Neither句意:Randy写了两部小说。 它们都被拍成了电影。 我看过。解析:None指“三者及以上都不”,Both指“两者都”,All指“三者及以上都”,Neither指“两者都不”,此处表示“两部小说都被拍成了电影”,故选B。

33. -____ is in charge of the summer concert?-Jessie. She has a lot of experience.A. WhereB. WhyC. WhatD. Who句意:-谁负责夏季音乐会?-Jessie。 她有丰富的经验。解析:特殊疑问词的选择,Where提问地点,Why提问原因,What提问事物,Who对人进行提问;根据答句可知,上文提问人“谁负责夏季音乐会”,故选D。34. Balanced diets are just as ____ as regular exercise in our daily life.A. importantB. more importantC. most importantD. the most important句意:在我们的日常生活中,均衡的饮食和有规律的锻炼一样重要。解析:as…as…是原级比较的句型,表示“和……一样……”,中间需跟形容词或副词的原级,形容词important意为“重要的”,故选A。35. Emma felt ____ when her parents were on business trips.A. sadlyB. angrilyC. unfortunatelyD. lonely句意:父母出差时,Emma感到孤独。

解析:felt是系动词feel的过去式形式,后面跟形容词作表语,sadly难过地、angrily生气地和unfortunately不幸地,都是副词,形容词lonely意为“孤单的”,故选D。(常考的以-ly结尾的形容词:lovely、friendly、lonely、lively、ugly等)36. Every year thousands of tourists ____ the mountain area to relax themselves.A. visitedB. were visitingC. visitD. have visited句意:每年都有成千上万的游客到这个山区来放松自己。解析:动词visit意为“参观;看望”,此处考查时态,由时间状语Every year可知,句子是一般现在时,因主语是复数,所以谓语动词用原形,故选C。(时态题找标志词)37. Mike ____ the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday.A. would moveB. was movingC. has movedD. had moved句意:Mike昨天这个时候正在把家具搬进他的新公寓。

解析:动词move意为“搬动”,此处考查时态,由时间状语this time yesterday“昨天的这个时候”可知,此句是过去进行时,用was/were doing结构,主语是第三人称单数,故选B。(时态题找标志词)38. The engineers will keep ____ the project with the manager of the company.A. discussB. discussedC. discussingD. to discuss句意:工程师们将继续与公司经理讨论这个项目。解析:keep doing sth.意为“持续做某事”,故选C。(常考跟doing作宾语的动词:avoid、admit、consider、deny、enjoy、finish、keep、mind、practise、suggest等)39. Doctors tell us ____ our hands before and after every meal.A. washB. washedC. washingD. to wash句意:医生告诉我们每餐前后都要洗手。解析:短语tell sb. to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”,故选D。

40. According to the traffic law, children under 12 ____ ride bicycles on the road.A. wontB. wouldntC. needntD. mustnt句意:根据交通法规,12岁以下的儿童不能在路上骑自行车。解析:won’t不会,wouldn’t不会;不愿,needn’t不需要,mustn’t禁止;不能,此次表示“12岁以下的儿童不能在路上骑自行车”,故选D。41. -Tom,____ here to carry the luggage upstairs for me,will you? -All right.A. comeB. cameC. comingD. to come句意:-Tom,过来帮我把行李搬上楼,好吗?-好的。解析:人名Tom后面有逗号,此句是Do型祈使句,谓语动词come用原形,故选A。42. Which club do you prefer to join, the chess club ____ the dancing club?A. soB. butC. orD. for句意:你愿意参加哪个俱乐部,象棋俱乐部还是舞蹈俱乐部?解析:so所以,but但是,or或者;还是,for因为;为了….。

此句是选择疑问句,用连词or并列两个选项,故选C。43. Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park ____ she gets the tickets.A. ifB. untilC. althoughD. unless句意:如果Vivian拿到票,她会带她女儿去游乐园。解析:考查状语从句,if如果;是否,until直到,although尽管;虽然,unless除非。根据句意“如果Vivian拿到票,她会带她女儿去游乐园”可知,用if引导条件状语从句,故选A。44. -____-Its a pleasure.A. Dont worry about the task.B. Thank you for showing me around.C. Be careful when you travel.D. You d better go to the dentists now.句意:-谢谢你带我参观。-不客气。解析:情景交际。Its a pleasure意为“不客气”,所以上文应是表示感谢的话,故选B。45. -I think wearing seat belts is very important for road safety. -____A. Thats all right.B. Im sorry.C. Thats a good idea.D. I agree.句意:-我认为系安全带对道路安全很重要。

-我赞成。解析:A项意为“不要紧;没关系”,B项意为“对不起”,C项意为“那是一个好主意”,D项意为“我赞成”;上文提出看法,下文可用I agree表示赞成,故选D。III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入表格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A.widelyB.rebuildC.certainly    D.receiveE.expressA middle school had major problems with some of its buildings. Susan, the head teacher, invited students to share their ideas about how to___46___the school.We wanted our students to decide what kind of school buildings they like.We wanted them to think of ideas to___47___their own interests and hopes, she said.The news spread___48___after it was reported by a local newspaper.Students___49___seemed very excited.And some said they couldnt wait for the project to be finally completed at the end of this year. 解析:46. “特殊疑问词+to do”结构作宾语,设空处需填动词原形,动词rebuild school“重建学校”,故选B。

47. 不定式to do作目的状语,设空处填动词,句意“我们希望他们能想出一些想法来表达自己的兴趣和希望”,动词express“表达”,故选E。48. 设空处填副词作状语,修饰动词spread,spread widely意为“广泛传播”,故选A。49. 设空处填副词作状语,副词certainly意为“无疑;确定”,句意“学生们显然很兴奋”,故选C。A.resultB.collectionC.necessaryD.locationE.connectedIn the beginning, the school was asked to close and the buildings would have to be sold off, as the school is in a very good___50___. But parents and teachers worked together to protect the school and now they are pleased to see the___51___.“This school is an important part of the community and its___52___that it should continue,” said one parent, adding, “It is also amazing that the children have had a say in the building process. This gives them the feeling that they are more closely___53___with the school. I really think the school will develop with success.”解析:50. 由不定冠词a可知,设空处填单数名词,in a very good location意为“位置很好”,故选D。

51. 定冠词the后面跟名词作宾语,名词result意为“结果”,they are pleased to see the result“他们很高兴看到这个结果”,故选A。52. 设空处填形容词作表语,“it’s necessary that…”意为“……是有必要的”,故选C。53. be closely connected with…意为“与……密切相关”,故选E。IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) 54. Nowadays, many ________ have been used to work in dangerous situations.(robot)55. Uncle Andy tried ________ different jobs, and finally chose to be a lawyer.(tenth)56. The boy started to live in school and learn to manage time by ________. (he)57. Lily asked her son to close the door ________ in order not to disturb others.(soft)58. On ________ days, leaves fall on the ground and the road looks beautiful.(wind)59. If you ________ red and yellow, what colour will you get?(mixture)60. Thanks to the ________ of the smart phone,its convenient to take photos anytime.(invent)61. Sitting in front of the screen for too long is ________. Its bad for your eyes.(healthy)解析:54. 可数名词robot意为“机器人”,many修饰可数名词复数,故填复数robots。

55. tenth是序数词“第十”,此处表示数量“十分工作”,故填基数词ten“十”。56. by oneself意为“独自地,单独”,故填himself。57. 形容词soft意为“柔软的;柔和的”,设空处需填副词修饰动词短语close the door,故填副词softly“轻轻地”。58. 名词wind意为“风”,设空处填形容词windy“有风的”修饰名词days,故填windy。59. 名词mixture意为“混合物”,设空处是从句的谓语,需填动词mix,且根据“主将从现”原则可知,从句是一般现在时,故填原形mix。60.动词invent意为“发明”,定冠词the后面跟名词,the invention of…意为“……的发明”,故填名词invention。61. 形容词healthy意为“健康的”,设空处填形容词作表语,且根据“坐在屏幕前太久”可知,此处指“是不健康的”,故填形容词unhealthy。V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词) 62. The middle school boy can tell traditional Chinese stories in English. (改为一般疑问句)________ the middle school boy ________ traditional Chinese stories in English?63. Lee has helped the local people sell their products since he returned to his hometown. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ has Lee helped the local people sell their products?64. The volunteer worked hard to get more kids back to school. (改为感叹句)________ ________ the volunteer worked to get more kids back to school!65. The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans ________ ________ by the 13-year-old one- armed basketball player.66. Julia decided to be a doctor after watching the news programme. (保持句意基本不变)Julia ________ ________ her mind to be a doctor after watching the news programme.67.Will the exhibition be held in Shanghai? Olivia asked her secretary. (改间接引语)Olivia asked her secretary ________ the exhibition ________ be held in Shanghai.68. belongs to,hardworking,in the end,students,success (连词成句)________________________________________________________________________________解析:62. Can;tell所给句子是谓语含情态动词的陈述句,变为一般疑问句时,将情态动词提到句首,谓语动词tell不变。63. How;long“since+一般过去时”表示一段时间,一般与现在完成时连用,用How long进行提问。64. How;hard感叹句常用what和how引导,what的中心词是名词,how的中心词是形容词或副词,常用句型有:“What a/an+adj.+单数名词+主谓!”、“What+adj./adv.
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