admin 发表于 2024-8-31 16:03:59


据上海小升初面试公益讲座主讲人陈老师介绍 , "小升初"的面试内容通常因校而异,但大体的流程为:自我介绍、奥数、英语(论坛 ) 、 语文等学科知识的问答,还有就是情商问题。

Shanghai rose interview public lecture speaker Chen, the "rose" interview content often varies by school, but generally the process: introduce yourself, math, English (Forum) questions and answers, languages and other subjects, there is the question of EQ.

rose" interview content often varies by school, but generally the process: introduce yourself, math, English (Forum) questions and answers, languages and other subjects, there is the question of EQ.">
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查看完整版本: 在英语中翻译"小升初"