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2014年临床执业助理医师考试报考指南——根据2014年医学考试中心发布信息整理考拉网一、报考时间2014年临床助理医师考试报名时间如下:(1)网上报名时间:2014年3月3日9时—3月17日24时,具体事宜可咨询报名所在地考点办公室。(2)现场报名时间:2014年3月20日—4月10日,具体以考点通知为准。依据《中华人民共和国执业医师法》相关规定,内容如下:第十条 具有高等学校医学专科学历或者中等专业学校临床医学专业学历,在执业医师指导下,在医疗、预防、保健机构中试用期满一年的,可以参加执业助理医师资格考试。医师资格考试报名资格规定具有下列情形之一的,不予受理医师资格考试报名:1、卫生职业高中毕业生;2、基础医学类、法医学类、护理学类、辅助医疗类、医学技术类等相关医学类和药学类、医学管理类毕业生;3、医学专业毕业,但教学大纲和专业培养方向或毕业证书注明为非医学方向的;4、医学专业毕业,但教学大纲和专业培养方向或学位证书证明学位是非医学的;5、非现役军人持军队医疗、预防、保健机构出具的试用期证明报考或在军队报名参加医师资格考试的;6、现役军人持地方医疗、预防、保健机构出具的试用期证明报告的;7、持《专业证书》或《学业证书》报名参加医师资格考试的;8、1999年1月1日以后入学的卫生职工中等专业学校的学生毕业后报考执业助理医师资格考试的。


基础科目包括生理学、生物化学、病理学、药理学,占考试内容的10%。专业科目包括内科学(含传染病学)、外科学、妇产科学、儿科学、神经病学、精神病学,占考试内容的80%。公共科目包括卫生法规、预防医学、医学心理学、医学伦理学,占考试内容的10%。从临床执业助理医师的考试内容来看,专业科目所占分值比例最大,考生要重点复习这一部分。四、考试时间医师资格考试分实践技能考试和医学综合笔试两部分。临床助理医师实践技能考试时间一般在6-7月份,临床助理医师医学综合笔试考试时间一般在9-10月份。2014年临床执业助理医师考试时间:一、2014年临床执业助理医师实践技能考试由各省、自治区、直辖市省级医师资格考试领导小组组织实施,时间为2014年7月1日—7月15日。二、2014年临床执业助理医师医学综合笔试全国统一考试时间为9月13日: 日期时间临床执业助理医师9月13日(星期六)上午9:00—11:30第一单元下午14:00—16:30第二单元注:2014年军队考生加试临床执业助理医师考试军事医学内容的考试时间为9月13日17:00-17:30。医师资格考试医学综合笔试测试内容、考试形式以原卫生部医师资格考试委员会审定颁布的《医师资格考试大纲》为依据。

临床执业助理医师医学综合笔试考试方案及内容见下表:科目类别比例临床执业助理医师科目基础医学综合10%生理学、生物化学、病理学、药理学医学人文综合5%卫生法规、医学心理学、医学伦理学临床医学综合80%内科学(含传染病学)、外科学、妇产科学、儿科学、神经病学、精神病学预防医学综合5%预防医学临床执业助理医师考试报名分网上报名和现场确认两步,报名方式分别如下:一、网上报名步骤1、考生登陆国家医学考试网(),点击“网上报名”,再进入“点击开始报名”,填报个人报名信息,并设置密码用来登录查看或修改个人信息。考生确认、保存报名信息后,系统提示“报名成功”。步骤2、考生可以在网上报名时间截止之前,凭借“个人证件编号”及密码,登录国家医学考试中心网站查询、修改个人报名信息。步骤3、考生确认填报信息无误后,可以打印《医师资格考试报名暨授予医师资格申请表》。二、现场报名考生持所打印的《医师资格考试报名暨授予医师资格申请表》,按照所在考点的具体要求,进行现场报名及资格审核,提交书面报名材料(如身份证、毕业证书等),交费,拍照(或导入数码照片),并确认个人报名信息。 注:2014年医师资格考试报名中香港非大陆学历考生现场审核地点为深圳;澳门非大陆学历考生现场审核地点为珠海;台湾非大陆学历考生可按照就近和自愿的原则,在大陆任何一个考点进行现场审核。


传统问答式考试评分方法缺乏科学、统一的标准,主观性和随意性较大,考查范围有限,选择题摒除了这些缺陷,是考试公平、公正、标准化的重要体现。医师资格综合笔试采用A型(最佳选择题)和B型题(配伍题),共有A1、A2、B1、A3、A4 5 种题型。A1 型题(单句型最佳选择题):每道试题由1个题干和5个供选择的备选答案组成。题干以叙述式单句出现,备选答案中只有1个是最佳选择,称为正确答案,其余4个均为干扰答案。干扰答案或是完全不正确,或是部分正确。A2 型题(病例摘要型最佳选择题):试题结构是由1个简要病历作为题干、5个供选择的备选答案组成,备选答案中只有1个是最佳选择。B1 型题(标准配伍题):试题开始是5个备选答案,备选答案后提出至少2道试题,要求应试者为每一道试题选择一个与其关系密切的答案。在一组试题中,每个备选答案可以选用一次,也可以选用数次,但也可以一次不选用。A3 型题(病例组型最佳选择题):试题结构是开始叙述一个以患者为中心的临床情景,然后提出2个~3个相关问题,每个问题均与开始的临床情景有关,但测试要点不同,且问题之间相互独立。A4 型题(病例串型最佳选择题):开始叙述一个以单一病人或家庭为中心的临床情景,然后提出3个~6个相关问题。

当病情逐渐展开时,可以逐步增加新的信息。有时陈述了一些次要的或有前提的假设信息,这些信息与病例中叙述的具体病人并不一定有联系。提供信息的顺序对回答问题是非常重要的。每个问题均与开始的临床情景有关,又与随后的改变有关。回答这样的试题一定要以试题提供的信息为基础。/linchuang2/考拉网-中国领先的考试培训远程教育网站of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the projects research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases.   Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways;   Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the projects research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases.   Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1.7-1 Yibin city rail transit network planning technology roadmap planning interface is mainly responsible for network planning interface with follow-up planning tasks. Network planning Urban planning system in a transitional position, online network planning is completed, will be carried out as soon as possible the following planning projects: 1, detailed control of the land of rapid rail transit network planning; 2, the partitioning for network planning; 3, joint planning of rail transport and urban transport in other ways;   Detailed technical courses see below. Figure 1.7-2 General technology route figure 2nd chapter City status and development planning 2.1 city basic profile 2.1.1of vision. 3, build, fitting in with the urban master plan in Yibin city rapid rail transit long term network, as well as the vision of Yibin city, and future development of rail transit network. 4, Yibin city, preliminary rail traffic levels service levels, system model, and technical standards. 5, to ensure that network can be implemented. 6, stable conditions for planning and supporting of Yibin city track traffic construction and formation of rail transit industry, provide conditions for the start-up and development of rail transit in Yibin city. 1.7 technical course technology is the projects research program and research ideas. Technology reflects the various stages in the process, logical relations between various levels, research, techniques and phases.   Network planning process the whole process can be divided into four parts, namely, background research, network architecture research, planning and implementation of research and programming interfaces. Figure 1
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