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初中英语文本解读实践研究摘要:本文试图介绍6种方法和途径,对文本进行深层解读。通过解读标题大意、具体细节、语法规则、功能意念、逻辑推理、悬念猜想等手段,不仅提高学生的语言接受能力、英语语感、词汇语法等综合水平和能力,而且提升学生文化意识、情感态度、思维能力的综合素质,确保课堂流畅性交际,确保学生英语学习的成功。 关键词:初中英语;阅读教学;解读文本 一、问题的提出 众所周知,阅读在听说读写四项技能中占有极重要的地位。因为有了文字,人类可以不再事事经过亲自的实践。阅读便成为现代人类社会认知的最基本方法,是人们传承和获取信息最重要的手段。然而,读者必须通过语篇信息,结合自身背景知识,成功建构意义其理解文本。因此,关注如何从英语文本中,解读意义、挖掘内涵至关重要。对文本进行深层解读,掌握阅读技巧,便成为保证英语阅读理解课程的成功,成为保证学生整体素质提升的必要条件。 何为解读文本?我们的理解是:Go deep into the passage we are learning; Exploit fully the latent potential of the text; Make full use of the article; Give a thorough analysis of the material; Explain the content of text in a particular way. That means to interpret the passage until the information is entirely absorbed and exhausted. 因此,在初中英语阅读教学中,对文本进行深层解读很有必要。

其目标不仅局限于提高学生语言接受能力、英语语感、词汇语法等语言运用能力,而是在于提升学生文化意识、情感态度、思维能力(如:预测、联想、推理、概括、归纳、逻辑 思维、发散思维等)的综合素质。 以下是对解读文本的探索。通过解读标题大意(Topicstitles),语法项目(Grammar focus),具体细节(Specific information),功能意念(Notional function),逻辑推理(Logical inference)和悬念猜测(Reasonable suspense)等,来达到提升学生语言能力和综合素质的目的。 二、解读文本的实践与探究 语言是思维的工具。敏捷的英语思维可以快速从文章中浏览信息、过滤信息,最后顺利地获取所需信息。为了培养学生英语思维,在英语阅读课中,我们通过解读Topicstitles, Grammar focus, Specific information, Notional function, Logical inference和Reasonable suspense等六种途径,提升学生语言能力和综合素质。 1.解读标题大意(Topicstitles),增强预测能力 标题通常是对文章内容的提炼与概括。

好标题反映文章主题,帮助读者预测文章内容,激发阅读兴趣。在阅读前,教师可以引导学生根据已有生活经验和知识,解读标题,预测文本内容,培养学生带着有待验证的预测能力,进行整体阅读训练。如: Go for it! 教材中,(本文以下均为Go for it! 教材)Book 7的Revision of Units 7-12的5a中,是一位新朋友写给你的一封信。在学生阅读文本前,教师让学生预测这位朋友会告诉我们什么信息: T: What does the person tell us in the letter? S1: Is s/he a boy / girl ? What’s his / her name ? S2: Where is s/he from? S3: How old is s/he? S4: When is his / her birthday? S5: How many people are there in his / her family? … 学生发挥充分的想象能力,用what, when, where, how等进行提问。 然后,再让学生们阅读文本,同时验证自己的预测与这位美国朋友所告诉的信息是否吻合: S: His name is Jim. He is a boy. He is from America. … 教师千万不能忽视这些预测活动,因为它们符合阅读理解的心理过程,可以迅速激活学生已有的背景知识,强烈激发学生阅读文本的兴趣。

2.解读具体细节(Specific information),培养文化意识 文本的具体细节渗透着异国文化意识。由于英语学习为了流畅交际,英语学习者也就 不可避免地要通晓不同文化意识。美国语言学家海姆斯(Hymes)曾提出交际能力的四个要素:语法性(possibility)、可行性(feasibility)、得体性(appropriateness)和现实性(actually performed),后两个因素就直接与文化有关。因此,教师必须解读文本的Specific information,培养学生的文化意识,为他们根据不同场合使用恰当得体的、真实地道的英语打下基础。如, Can you come to my party? (Book 8 Unit 5 的Self check),要求学生根据Marie某周时间安排表,回复三位朋友的邀请。三张便条如下:   笔者要求学生根据文本,解读Specific information (具体细节)。过程如下: T: What can you see on this page, class? Ss: Marie’s schedule and three notes from her friends. T: How do you know they are notes, not letters? S1: There are no stamps. S2: There are no ‘greetings’ and no ‘yours’. S3: There are no ‘dates’. 通过解读细节(Specific information),区分了书信和便条的不同书写格式。

T: Well, do you know who are the three friends of Marie? Ss: They are Rose, Julie and Dave. T: Well done. Who’d like to reply to the notes for Marie? S1: Let me try. Thank you for your invitation. I am sorry I can’t play tennis with you on. Saturday because I’m fishing with grandpa the whole day. My grandpa lives in the countryside and he is alone. I want to stay with him that day. T: Wonderful. What about the second note, class? Anybody? S2: Let me have a try. I’m sorry I can’t go to your party on Monday because… T: Good job! Well, it’s the third note now. Any volunteers? S3: Let me try. I’m sorry I can’t go to your house before 8:00 pm because I have a piano lesson from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. But I can discuss the science report with you after 8:00. 接着,教师关注了西方生活习惯和文化意识: T: Wonderful. By the way, what do you learn from these three notes from three of Marie’s friends? I mean why they write to each other before they meet and do something? S1: They want to know if she is free at that time. S2: They want to be polite to Marie. S3: The American people have better time schedule. T: Thanks a lot for your wonderful ideas. 这样,在学生帮助Marie回复notes的语言交际中,既了解英语便条的书写格式,又渗透 了英语国家人们对于时间提前安排和预约的传统文化意识。

3.解读语法规则(Grammar focus),培养推断能力 语言是信息的载体。扎实的语言知识和语言能力不但要求学生辨别字词、句法结构,还要求学生正确理解句与句之间逻辑关系;同时还要求学生能运用阅读策略,推断文字背后隐藏信息。换言之,在阅读教学中应该培养学生通过分析文本表面的语言信息,推断出作者要传递的内在含义。如, Book 8的Unit 5中,有一则e-mail,其中有3句说明作者不能接受邀请的理由: On Monday I have to go to the doctor. On Tuesday I’m going to the movie with my friends. On Wednesday I’m studying for my physics test .And on Friday I am on vacation with my parents. 教师让学生讨论: (1) What is the thing Tony is happy to do? (2)And what is the thing he is unhappy to do? (3)What is the thing Marie plans to do? 引导学生通过分析Grammar focus:分别推断作者高兴(be going to do sth.),不高兴(have to do sth),或计划要做的事(be doing sth): S1: He is happy to go to the movie. S2: But he is unhappy to go to the doctor.   S3: He plans to study for his physics test. 由此可见,教授语法不仅可以从规则着手,更可以从意义着眼。

让学生从句子含义中推测其语法内在含义。这种内化语言结构,体验说话者意图,将语法在解读文本中让学生去意会,是我们先前所没有过的尝试。 4.解读功能意念(Notional function),提升情感态度 作者的情感态度是文本表层意义的深化。它是英语语音、单词短语和句法结构的深层含义。这种含义有时夹杂在字里行间(between the lines);有时隐藏在文章背后(behind the lines)。需要读者由外及里、由表及内地深入解读才能领悟。在通常情况下,我们在接收到客观内容信息时,应该也接收到作者的主观情感态度的信息。这是因为,语言从思想动机到表层形式之间存在着各种各样的转换轨迹。所以,除了语法规则外,还必须把握意念功能(Notional function)。通过解读说话者的意念、希望、动机,了解说话者的主观情感态度,培养学生对深层意图的分析能力。如, 在教授Unit 11, Book 8 中, 笔者要求学生说明:Could I…? 和Could you…?在表述时的不同情感和意念。 首先,让大家找出含有Could…?的种种问句,然后集体分析说话者的内在动机。 S1: Could I go to the movie tonight? S2: Could I stay out until 11:00? S3 Could I use the car? T: Now, here are the three questions you find from the text. Well, do you know what the Boy (that is, I) really want to do? S: The Boy wants people let him do something. T: Good. The speaker wants others to let him do something. In Chinese it means…? S: 他希望别人允许自己做某事。

T: Wonderfully done. We name it: “Permission” (板书:允许) (接着教授:Could/Can you…?句型) T: Well, let’s see the questions about “Could you…?” First of all, try to find these questions, class. Can you? S: Could you take out the trash? S: Could you make your bed and fold your clothes? S4: Could you give me a ride downtown? T: These questions are different from “Could I …?” Right? S: The Boy wants others to do something for Him. S: 他想要求别人为他做事情。 T: Wonderfully done. We name it: “Polite request” (板书:礼貌请求). 可以看出,在言语中除了要表达思想的客观内容以外,还包含作者对该内容主观或情感和态度。

我们不但要学习外语单词与句法,而且还要了解什么样的意思应该用什么样的词汇与句式来表达;使外部言语结构符合表达意图。即,从意念功能上掌握外语的表达方式。 5.解读逻辑推理(Logical inference),激活发散思维 推理是根据已知事实得出未知结果的必然逻辑过程。正确的推理必须具有逻辑性、事实性。敏捷的逻辑推理是人类思维的高级品格,是“无声的谈话”(J.B. Watson),是解决未知结果的桥梁。因此,在英语教学中,我们应该通过解读Logical inference,积极开发和培养学生良好思维能力,奠定他们终身学习的坚实基础。如, Book 8的Unit 12的听力文本中出现: Town Cinema isn’t crowded, and it has the friendliest service. It’s also in the most fun part of town. 为了培养学生的推理能力,教师让学生讨论在一个集镇最热闹的地段,可能还会有哪些建筑物?你可以做什么有趣的事? 下面是学生们的回答: S1: In the most fun part of town, I have fun playing with my friends in the Children’s Park. S2: I have fun watching movies in the movie theaters.(如右图) S3: I have fun shopping in the supermarkets and stores. S4: I have fun playing sports in the sports center. S5: I have fun eating delicious food in restaurants and KFC.   S6: I have fun listening to music in the video shop. 具有逻辑思维的发散性问题是语言交际丰富多彩、如虎添翼。

教师得心应手、运用自如;学生应声回答、乐在其中,课堂教学处在有控制的混乱之中。 6.解读悬念猜想(Reasonable suspense),激发想象能力 想象能力是人类创新能力的基石。他好比是思维的“弦外之音”。想象能力并非无中生有。它的结果是意料之外,却是情理之中。悬念猜测可以极大地激发这种想象能力。悬念猜测可以来自课文、对话、听力材料、也可来自插图。为了培养学生的观察力、想象力和理解力,我们应该设计各种悬念和猜测活动(Reasonable suspense)。如, 在Book 9的Unit 9中,Emperor Shen Nong(神农)意外地发现了茶(tea),这一世界上除了水以外,最受欢迎的饮料。为了解读文本,进一步激发学生想象力,教师设计了如下情景,让学生根据插图(如右图),进行悬念猜测: T: Well, now we know that Tea is the most wonderful drink in the world. But the Tea wouldn’t be discovered if something didn’t happen. OK? Now class, let’s imagine the situation that possibly happened, so that there would be no Tea at all. (下面是学生应答这个悬念问题的各种答案) S1: If Shen Nong didn’t taste the water. S2: If there wasn’t a bush nearby. S3: If the water wasn’t hot. S4: If the leave didn’t remain in the water for a while. S5: If it wasn’t in spring. S6: If there was no wind that blew the leave off the tree. S7: If Shen Nong didn’t boil the water in the open air. … 由此可见,设置悬念不失为解读文本的又一种有效手段,它可以极大地激发学生的想象能力。

三、解读文本的现实意义 那么,为什么需要解读文本呢?为什么需要这么细腻深挖一篇短文呢?它后背隐藏着什么动机?即,解读文本为什么需要“刨根问底,入木三分”?它的根本目的究竟是什么? 1.解读文本使课堂交际化 文本的解读,本身不是目的。它的目的在于深入语言交际活动。交际什么?除了表层的材料外,其标题大意,细节信息,语法项目,功能意念,人物关系,逻辑推理,悬念猜测等等,均成为了语言交际的切入点和突破口。所以,在一定程度上,解读文本的过程就是语言的交际过程。抓住了这些切入点抓住了交际,使用了这些突破口就能使交际言之有物,言之有理,言之有趣。这是因为语言交际需要话题作为依托。离开话题,交际便成了无本之木,无源之水;流畅的课堂教学无法进行,师生言语互动无从谈起。 2.解读文本使学习趣味化 文本的解读,还可以使学习趣味化。课堂里,教师和学生都在“解读”中,享受语言输入和输出的成功感,感受语言学习的无穷乐趣;这种乐趣又反过来促进师生学习的英语教学和学习。 离开语言学习所来的乐趣,解读文本便不能持久。学生学习
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