Kip 发表于 前天 03:38


机白翠 发表于 前天 05:14


忘记过去 发表于 前天 07:16

Chinese like to translate into Chinese according to pronunciation. The reason why 'Jim' and 'Tom' are translated as' 吉姆 'and' 汤姆 ', both of which happen to have'm', is because Chinese translation needs to be based on pronunciation. Using other Chinese fonts to produce the sound of 'mu' includes characters such as' 母 ',' 木 ', and' 目 ', but these characters themselves have meanings. For example,' 母 'can be misunderstood as' mother' or 'female', while '木' can be misunderstood as' wood '. If "Jim" is translated as "吉母" or "吉木", it will make people think it is a "kind woman" or "auspicious wood", and therefore it will be disconnected from the person's name. However, "姆" is rarely used and the writing method is simple enough, so it will not be misunderstood as another meaning to put "姆" in the translation of foreign names.

泥晓灵 发表于 前天 09:36


牛承安 发表于 前天 09:51

“姆”字原本指---中国古代教育未出嫁女子的妇人governess of girl. 后来引申成各类庸人不能算数。

小可爱 发表于 前天 10:57

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